Yes, thats right you CAN make donuts with our pancake mix!!
You will need:
- a 6 hole donut pan (if it is metal grease it well)
- half a bag of Sneeki Pancake Mix
- 1 egg
- 34/ C of milk
- 1 tsp cinnamon
Prheat your oven to 180 Degrees C
Mix all you ingredients well in a bowl, it should be thicker than the usual pancake mix
If its thin add a little flour.
Spoon in your batter so it's just to the to of each donut hole.
Bake for about 10 minutes, they should be springy to the touch.
Cool completely before GENTLY removing them from the pan.
If they are hard to remove, run a knife around the edge and hook your finger slowly under one edge.
Top with your favuorite toppings! Enjoy!